Receive college credit for knowledge you have acquired through the College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) by earning qualifying scores on any of the 33 computer based examinations.  Testing is available for anyone authorized to access Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and is FREE (one time per test) for all eligible military personnel.

Registration and Payment Process

Order CLEP Exam

  1. Order exam through the CLEP College Board.
  2. Pay exam fee, if required ($93).  There is no charge for active-duty military personnel.
  3. Active duty – select the “DANTES-Funded Military Personnel” box.
  4. Print receipt.


  1. Register for CLEP Exam online at
  2. Pay registration fee, if required ($28).  There is no charge for active-duty military personnel.
  3. Active duty – select the “CLEP – Military Personnel Only” registration tab to schedule for a CLEP exam.
  4. Print registration/payment verification.

NOTE: All testers need to register on both websites above.  Please contact the UNCW testing center at 910.962.TEST (8378) or visit for further details regarding the cost of CLEP tests and eligibility requirements.

Test Preparation

CLEP study materials are available at  Military personnel and dependents can access for additional test preparation materials and practice exams.  All base and local libraries also have CLEP books and study materials available.

UNCW National Testing Center – Camp Lejeune

The UNCW National Testing Center is located aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in room 121 of the John A. Lejeune Education Center, Building 825, Stone Street, Camp Lejeune, NC 28547.

Testing Day

  1. Provide the test proctor with two forms of current identification (e.g. military I.D., driver’s license, passport with photo and signature).  The name on both forms must be identical.
  2. Provide the test proctor with the two receipts created during the registration and payment process (registration fee and CLEP exam fee).
  3. Lockers are provided to securely store personal belongings which are not permitted in the testing center.
  4. In accordance with mandatory base dress code policies, appropriate attire is required when testing.