Coastal Carolina Community College
Board of Trustees

Our Purpose
Jurisdiction and Responsibility

The Board of Trustees of Coastal Carolina Community College is a body corporate established by an act of the North Carolina General Assembly (Chapter 115D, General Statutes of North Carolina), and it possesses all of the powers of a body corporate for the purposes created by or that may exist under provisions of the law. The Board of Trustees has the authority to ensure the necessary management and administration of the College in accordance with the provisions of the law and the standards of the State Board of Community Colleges. The official title of the Board of Trustees, and the corporate name of the institution, shall be the Trustees of Coastal Carolina Community College.


The organization, appointments, qualifications and removal of Trustees shall be as provided by Article 2 of Chapter 115D of the General Statutes of North Carolina and amendments thereto. The terms of the members of the Board shall be four (4) years and shall commence on July 1. All Trustees shall be residents of Onslow County, or of counties contiguous thereto, with the exception of the Student Trustee. Vacancies occurring in any group for whatsoever reason shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the agency or agencies having the authority to do so within sixty (60) days after the date on which a vacancy occurs. Members of the Board of Trustees may be removed by the Board of Trustees for cause as provided for in Chapter 115D-19, General Statutes of North Carolina. The Board shall maintain its office of record in Jacksonville, North Carolina.

In addition, Coastal Carolina Community College's Student Government Association president serves as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees. The SGA president is encouraged to share ideas and concerns with the board but does not vote on board issues.

Coastal Carolina Community College's President serves as Secretary to the Board of Trustees but is not considered a member of the board.

Coastal Carolina Community College's Comptroller serves as Treasurer to the Board of Trustees but is not considered a member of the board.

Board of Trustees 2024 Meeting Schedule
Date Day Time Meeting
January 22, 2024 Monday 5:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting
April 18, 2024* Monday 5:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting (rescheduled)
May 20, 2024 Monday 5:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting
July 22, 2024 Monday 5:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting
September 23, 2024 Monday 5:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting
November 18, 2024 Monday 5:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting

Board of Trustees 2024 Meeting Schedule

Special Meetings

The time, place, and purpose(s) of special meetings may be fixed by the Chairman or by the President. The business to be transacted at any special meetings of the Board shall be confined to such matters as have been specified in the call to members and officers of the Board. Notice of Meetings Members and officers of the Board and the President shall be notified in writing by the Secretary of the time and place of all meetings and the purpose(s) of special meetings at least 24 hours in advance of meetings. Only in extreme emergencies will meetings be called with notice under 24 hours; then all transactions are subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees at a regularly called meeting.

2023-2024 Board of Trustees
our members

Following the listing of each trustee, the initial "S" (NC Senate), "C" (Onslow County Board of Commissioners) or "H" (NC House of Representatives) designates the source of the trustee's appointment.

  • Bundage H. Guy, Board Chair (H)
  • N.E. "Pete" Burgess, Vice Board Chair (S)
  • Charles Sutton, 2024-2025 SGA President (Student Trustee)
  • Craig Chamberlin (C)
  • Jeffrey "Jeff" T. Clark (H)
  • Major General Robert Dickerson (H)
  • Robert "Bob" Dupuis (C)
  • Dr. Gina Francis (S)
  • Stephen "Ty" Hart (C)
  • Ann D. Maready (S)
  • Debbi Ray Rouse (C)
  • Dr. Robert "Bobby" M. Sheegog Jr. (H)
  • L. Ward Sylvester III (S)

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please contact the Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees, Lora Taylor, at (910) 938-6211 or