Consistently establishing expectations and managing student behaviors to ensure a productive learning environment are among the most critical issues faced by both novice and experienced faculty members.  Classroom management refers to matters of supervision, mediation, and facilitation, as well as intervention, if necessary.  While management approaches vary dependent upon the individual instructor’s philosophy/style and the classroom composition, several proactive, preventative strategies and practical solutions have proven effective in creating a positive teaching and learning climate.  Listed here are links to articles and web resources that may prove helpful as you address the issue of management.   You are invited to review and select materials as appropriate to your situation.

ArticlesHelpful Links
All in a Day’s Work
Felder, R. a. (2000). All in a Day’s Work. Retrieved from
Classroom Management
Rodriquez Ph D, L. (n.d.). Classroom Management. Retrieved from
Managing the College Classroom
Braden, S. a. (2006). Managing the College Classroom: Perspectives from an Introvert and an Extrovert . Retrieved from
This Student is Driving Me Nuts!
This Student Is Driving Me Nuts! (n.d.). Retrieved from
Address Problematic Student Behavior – Carnegie Melon Enhancing Education